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materials circulated under a
CREATIVE COMMONS BY-NC-CD 3.0 Unported License

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consult the list available here
and address your requests to Mrs. Anna Caveduri, assistant

note: listed items (scores, instructions, software, CDs) are meant for personal use only (performance, practice, study, analysis, etc.)
for items not (yet) covered by CREATIVE COMMONS Licences, the following fair use and copyleft policy applies

items are provided for free; however, for printed matters and CDs, you are expected to reimburse production costs (photocopies, printouts, CDs, etc.) and postal delivery costs.

items can be shared and circulated upon conditions that you clearly mention the author's name (Agostino Di Scipio), the precise title of work, the precise year of composition, and the contact page for that and related items - that is the current page ( ; please keep us informed re: whom you share these materials with, and for what purposes.

no copyright should be arbitrarily imposed on items without previous agreement with the author (please inform us of any infringement of this policy that you may know of; send your email to the above address)

inquiries concerning exceptions to this fair use and copyleft policy should be sent to the above email address